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Maybe you’re in the process of toilet training your child – or perhaps your child is impulsive and needs the bathroom at the last minute.
You don’t want your little guy or little gal to have an accident when dealing last-minute with buttons, zippers, or snaps.
But you do want nice khaki-style elastic top pants that your child can wear proudly and that will pair nicely with crisp button-down shirts or dressy tops. No need for your child to be in activewear pants all the time just because they’re having too much fun to plan their bathroom breaks!
So, where to find these nice pants, you may be asking? And is this possible on a budget? Don't worry, you won’t have to spend a lot of money for your child to look stylish. Here are the best places for elastic waist pants for kids. Your approach will differ somewhat based on whether you have a boy or a girl, since the brands have very different offerings for boys and girls.
Elastic waist boys pants
My top favorite places for boy’s pull-on elastic waist pants (in no particular order) for toddlers and elementary school age kids are: The Children's Place - their cargo pants are pull-on although they are not so formal, and French Toast which makes a great pull-on pant each season that works equally well for school dress code wear or for more formal events. Old Navy usually also has a style available of khaki-style pull-on pant each season, although it can be harder to find among their other offerings.
French Toast is actually a school uniform store, but there’s nothing to stop you buying there even if your child’s school has no dress code. In fact, you may be better off that way: besides competitive pricing and cheap shipping, your child will be unique: every other boy in the class probably won’t be wearing the same brand. Most other moms simply won’t think to shop there unless their child’s school has a uniform or dress code.
My boys have elastic waist pants from all three places that I mentioned, and we’ve found that the French Toast ones look best and are the most durable. However, all brands are good and all pair nicely with other clothes.
Girls elastic waist dress pants
For girls, although it can be difficult to find elastic waist pull-on khaki-style pants, you do have vastly more alternative options than for boys. These are:
- jeggings
- leggings
- skirts
- dresses
None of these require zippers or buttons for toileting purposes, so these are ideal alternatives to pull-on pants for girls.
If your daughter’s school has a uniform or stringent dress code and absolutely needs khaki or navy pants, the only place that I’ve found that has them with an elastic waist for girls is French Toast.
An alternative to pull on pants is to find adjustable-waist pants. These are regular khaki-type pants with zipper and button, but with the back of the pants being elasticated inside the waistband. Inside the pants you can adjust the length of the elastic. My friend uses this solution for her daughter – the trick is simply to make sure you adjust the elastic loose enough that your little girl can pull them down without bothering with buttons, but tight enough that the pants won’t fall down during normal play. The Children's Place sells pants like this – read product descriptions carefully, as not all of their styles offer this feature.
If your child needs pants that can accommodate a leg brace or cast
If your reason for wanting pull-on pants relates to something further than difficulty with buttons and zippers, you'll want to look at the adaptive pants for boys and for girls from French Toast. Besides having an elastic waist back, these adaptive pants have hook and loop openings at the outside edge of the pants to fit a leg brace or cast inside.
It’s OK if your little boy or girl can’t yet do buttons or zippers easily. There are alternatives for your little guy or gal that won’t make them look like they’re always in gym class! We help you make sure there are no barriers to having your child look stylish. These kids dress pants work for every occasion.
In conclusion, for the most up to date information, the user should consult the original page at https://goodkidsclothes.com/best-places-to-buy-elastic-waist-pants-for-kids/