There's some great parenting hacks out there that you may be missing out on. Here are our 9 best life hacks for parents - these will make life easier.
1. Ways to stop being overwhelmed
There's so much to do as a parent that it's easy to get completely overwhelmed. The good news is that there are concrete steps you can take to stop being constantly behind the mountain of things to do. These are practical steps that you can take which make your life so much easier. Even if you think it's not possible to simplify anything any further, take a look at the link I posted above.
2. Forget parenting criticism
One of my favorite life hacks for parents is to spend zero time and energy on someone's criticism of your parenting - unless of course the issue at hand is in fact causing a health or safety hazard. If it's not posing any risk to your child, then differences in parenting styles are simply that - differences. These are OK.
When a relative or friend criticizes your parenting, it's hard not to take it personally, I agree. But if you take it to heart, you will waste so much time and energy on that when it's not worth it. Instead spend that time and energy on your child, on yourself, or on a hobby - but not on the other person's criticism. Instead, simply remind yourself that if the other person has a problem, the problem is at their end. Here is how to handle parenting criticism.
3. Have cheap healthy snacks on hand
There's nothing more stressful than a toddler meltdown when it's snack time. One of the best life hacks for parents is to always have cheap healthy snacks on hand. This way your child always has "good" options to choose from, and you're kept stress-free. No, it's not time consuming and doesn't need a ton of planning. Here are 11 cheap and healthy kids snack ideas. This makes more of a difference than you might think.
If your kids are at preschool or school, also check out these awesome lunch ideas for school for picky eaters.
4. Find ways to make YOUR day better while caring for kids
You don't cease to exist as a person just because you're a mom or dad! It's OK and in fact encouraged to make your day better while still having the kids with you. You don't need a sitter for this!
5. Potty training your kids is hard - but do-able
One of the best life hacks for parents is having a good system for potty training. Understand it won't be easy - but there's a lot you can do to make it go smoothly. Here I talk about what you need and how to do potty training. The article is about potty training 2 kids at once, but a lot of the advice applies to training just one child at a time too.
6. Know ways that your family can save money
Saving money can take away financial stress. There's no need to spend lots of money on stuff you don't really need just because your friends or neighbors are. Here are 7 clever ways your family can save money - while still having lots of fun. Saving money is a great life hack that helps you in multiple ways.
7. Teach your child to read before Kindergarten
In theory your child doesn't need to read before Kindergarten, but in practice they do. Your child will start off behind the others if they don't have at least some concept of being taught to read. Fortunately, it's easier than you think. Start a few months before Kindergarten starts - that summer is fine. This is a parenting hack that not only helps you, but helps get your child off to a great start academically, as well as making school seem a lot more enjoyable. Here is how to teach your child to read.
You might also like to look at this list of 6 important skills for Kindergarten readiness.
8. Have homework strategies in place for your school age child
Homework battles can make everyone feel miserable - yourself, your child, and anyone else in the house at the time! Instead of dealing with arguments and crying, try one of these homework strategies that really work. Your child's life and your life will become a lot easier with this life hack. Best of all, this is a life hack that will help your child well beyond elementary school.
9. Parenting advice by age of child
Here we have a list of parenting tips in order of the age of your child. This makes it easy to see at a glance what types of parenting approaches you have available to you to choose from.
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